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Members of 5SPA


Gaylene Knoke

Singer/Dancer/Actor/V.O. Actor

I remember when I was little I always used to listen to the radio and my records. This was before CD'S and I would scratch my records because I played them so much. I would do a "mock" concert when I was alone and had lots of fun. I would listen to both music that my parents listen to - such as Neil Diamond, Frank Sinatra, and Barry Manilow as well the latest 70's hits.

As I got older, my parents gave me the opportunity to have voice lessons with a wonderful voice teacher. I also had ballet lessons, piano lessons and was a member of "The Littlest Americans."

In high school, I got the opportunity to be involved in the theater and loved it. I went to Muncie Indiana for an International Thespian Conference and that was a great experience. I am still a member of the International Thespian Society. I also went to Broadcasting School after High School. I learned a lot about the technical aspects through this experience. I participated in the Miss Nevada Pageant as well. I took ballet classes in College. I also took jazz and modern dance in college as well. I was a member of the Dixie College Chorus and the Southwest Choral. This was a great experience for me too.


KD Stout


KD has been writing stories and poems since she was seven years old.  "We're Finally On Our Own" was her first novel and started writing when she was 12 years old. When she became an adult, she worked more on the novel to make the plot stronger and characters' personalities stronger.  "We're Finally On Our Own" has been her popular work.

About the time she was 19 years old, she started getting poems published.  Her poems were mostly about feelings and/or experiences that she had gone through in life.


K.D. started drawing when she was three years old.  She has never stopped developing art pieces:  portraits (semi-realistic and cartoons) and graphic designs.  She designed the whole cover page of the book "We're Finally On Our Own".

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